Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wikis #16

I use Wikipedia for some basic research for library customers, because it goes directly to the requested subject and so far it as been helpful. I think online community websites are ok for maybe team members, groups, staff, organizations, but for everyone to have access to add or delet this could be a problem. With spammers, people with malicious motives, and pranksters. To have a online community without registration or doing some can of check to make sure their not some kind of "nut" would be advisable. Some people really rely on that information and use it for education, profession and self knowledge. It should be supervised before posting, they maybe giving false information. I know wikis is for quick information, but somehow we should make sure it's valid. But that's me. Google is good, but sometime it may have 2000 :)) links to the subject or question.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Into the new world of Librarianship (#15)

As I read a couple of the perspective on this lesson, I personally am amazed on how libraries have change throughout the years. Libraries are improving and constantly adding accessible information for our customers. Customers can read books online, download music to technical devices, upload pictures and my favorite "GOOGLE". Well,GOOGLE was my
favorite until I started working with Library Learning Web 2.0.
I think the library system is going to continue to be an asset to
customers now and in the future.
Note: Staff will need the training to assist customers as we advance in technology.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Technorati lesson #14

This site was not easy at all and it was time consuming. Here we are again joining another website this time it was like a battle.
I knowTechnorati is used without cease for some(I viewed some of the blogs), but I have no need for this type of technology at the present time and if I do have a required need for this kind of help in the future. I hope it's not as complicated. I know some websites believe in high security, but this was almost maximum.

Monday, November 17, 2008

BookMarking lesson # 13

I do find social bookmarking handy. I really did not think of it as social bookmarking when sending friends and family websites to view what I thought they would enjoy. Bookmarking comes in handy when searching and surfing the Internet for information. Especially information you may not use that often. I have bookmarked my regular websites on my portal and have several saved into Favorites. I don't see much use for Delicious. I'm pretty satisfied with how I'm keeping track of my sites now. But, it was something different. lesson # 13

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Giving thanks

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jaxcat # 12

This was another easy lesson and amazing. I put in my search from my blog Jaxcat Gadget blog and it took me to the JPL catalog. This is another one that I enjoyed doing with some excitement. I feel I'm on a roll now !!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Library Thing #11

I enjoyed working with this lesson. I needed little help and I can also use it to keep track of the books I have read and want to read. I would most definitely use this site and recommend it to others. I am keeping a listing of the sites that I will use again. This one really caught my interest.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Image Generator

RSS Feeds

I don't want to be repetitious, but I did not like the Feeds anymore than I like the bloglines. I don't find myself using this in the future. It would be easier just to bookmark my favorite websites. The complications are not worth the trouble or the time spent. Most of my favorite sites did not have RSS Feeds and I really have no use for this site. I bookmark anyway.

Birthday party

Charles (husband) is celebrating his 57th earth day party. Along with our grandchildren.
Leval, Janae, Imani. That's my sister-in-law standing and my nephew kneeling on the left hand side.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ross Family

Here are some pictures I uploaded from my email folder. Some of my precious family members.
My dad, brother and sisters. This technology thing is great.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Technology # 7

The things I like about technology is it's convenience. You can do just about anything online. You can shop, pay bills, make contact through email all over the world. I use the Internet for personal and professional searches, task and projects. I have classes that are set-up online and short cuts to websites I use daily. I can sit at my computer and take care of most of my business and help others. Now the down side of the this wonderful piece of equipment is losing stored information, computers will freeze and they also will crash. Then you are subject to lose valuable information or years of research.